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Dec 8, 2021, 7 tweets

A lot has changed since Margaret Keenan arrived at University Hospital Coventry a year ago today

She was the first person on Earth to receive a coronavirus vaccine outside clinical trials – now the number is about four billion 💉…

It’s been a long road – about 50 million Brits have followed Keenan’s example, but the campaign is far from over. So how should we think about the vaccine today?

Undeniably, it's been a year of breakthroughs…

🗓 December 8 2020: the arms race begins

• 90-year-old grandmother Keenan gets her Pfizer-BioNTech jab

🗓 January 4 2021: AZ arrives

• Brian Pinker, an 82-year-old dialysis patient, becomes the first person to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

🗓 March 11

• Several European nations suspend use of the AstraZeneca vaccine following reports of blood clots

🗓 March 23

A transatlantic row flares up over AZ as Dr Anthony Fauci rebukes the British drugmaker for releasing inaccurate data

🗓 April 7

• The UK decides to offer people under 30 alternatives to the AstraZeneca jab

🗓 June 6

• Boris Johnson urges G7 leaders to “defeat Covid” by vaccinating the world by the end of 2022

A lot more milestones were also reached in June 👇…

🗓 September 16

• Booster shots begin for the over-50s and vulnerable groups

🗓 December 8

• The heavily-mutated Omicron variant, discovered at the end of November, appears to spread quickly

• The promised acceleration of the booster campaign is yet to reach full speed

One year of Covid vaccines: what have we learnt?

📈 Check our interactive charts

🗞 Read the full report @whippletom @rhysblakely…

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