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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #IStandwithEvan #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Dec 8, 2021, 9 tweets

ok, I'll add some thoughts here for this Mosseri hearing...time to go deeper. Mosseri just used future Ernst & Young audits to Senator Lee as a defense. It's worth noting Instagram is nowhere on being audited for brand safety by the industry. See the red box. /1

Sen Sullivan has locked in on problem here. US Surgeon General report recommending limits on social media usage by teens is directly at odds with Instagram's core biz model. Mosseri deflecting. As Sen Klobuchar pointed out earlier, if Instagram had competition it would matter. /2

Senator Cruz once again doing an outstanding job digging into Mosseri and research. Rightly tries to pin down Mosseri on:
- raw data from Instagram research
- powerpoint presentations memorializing the data
Mosseri claims data is gone. Facebook, Inc. is an unethical cesspool.

Senator Blackburn closes strongly. Empathy has historically appeared to be a PR tactic for the top leadership of Facebook. When we've seen it, we've later learned it was a cover-up. /4

Sen Blumenthal closing with his AG experience then shifting to why we need competition - he's absolutely right. As many have heard me say, there is no defensible case Instagram and Facebook's blue apps wouldn't be better for the public if they had to compete with each other. /5

Now a few clips. This was a powerful close by @MarshaBlackburn but the company’s actions are limited to the bare necessity due to public and government relations in the absence of competition. If Insta had to compete with blue or couldn’t share data, things would be different. /6

It’s worth noting @MarshaBlackburn also brought receipts. It’s pretty absurd the default would be wrong for such a large cohort even if it’s a minority of users. Sounds like another Alex Schultz growth hack to me. There are dozens at play always. Video game for them. /7

“I want to make sure I understand the commitment you’ve made to this committee.”… here is @SenTedCruz with precision. Remember Facebook never actually released to the public a majority of the decks as promised. Instead they annotated much of one and gaslit everyone over it. /8

One last clip for now. @SenMikeLee rightly asks a question about algorithmic amplification and recommendations. Mosseri answers with intentions and a metric on prevalence (5 of 10,000). /9

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