plaforscience Profile picture
Science is the only way.

Dec 9, 2021, 10 tweets

Spain's current ICU supposed pressure increase due to our "6th (!) Wave" is as fake as the rest of the Wave

It comes with an EXACT, in both number and timing, DECREASE of All Other ICU patients

ICUs aren't even AWARE of this, and keep a LONG maintained non-winter plateau

From the Official Daily data on ICU Covid beds & % of Covid/total we can check Covid/NonCov and Total Beds

We've supposedly give thru a full wave and this Rising One WITHOUT ANY CHANGE in ICUs used

Miraculously, every Wave, All Other Causes ICU Bed descend at exact same ratio

Once Wave is officially (never for a known reason) gone, again miraculously, All Other Causes patients RETURN to ICUs, and, again, at exact same amount and timing!!

How 🦆 ing appropriate!!

All thru, True ICU Total number of beds used keep a nonchalant CONSTANT number at ~9.100

Zooming to cover only from November, so-called 6th wave, we observe the same

The current plateau, almost negligible soft increasing to the SURE winter acute rise to come, is being aired as CONCERNING Covid ICU increases
MIRACULOUS All Causes ICU are disappearing at SAME PACE

Surely The Good Trøll will CLAIM that's because they HAVE TO leave unattended other causes to make room for Covid Patients: Saturation

Sorry, but no

Only in the period with available data, 10K were available; from official sources, no less than 12K used

FAR from collapse

If we keep scale but place Covid ICU close to Non Covid (&total) we can see the miraculous symmetry of the Covid Increase/All Other Decrease, while TOTAL remains nonchalant

ICUs WILL be pressured
To collapse limits

But not yet
By now, nothing but PROPAGANDA there

This phenomenon is very visible in daily INCREASES for Total, Covid & NonCovid ICU beds

ICU total pressure is STABLE
Covid is rising from All Other Causes patients NOTED as Covid just for a positive test

The FASCINATING figure of the Covid ASYMPTOMATIC ICU Patient!


Why should they do this?!

By NOW for €, the PRIZE SPECIFICALLY devoted by Central Govt for Covid ICU admissions, APART & FREE to use out of Health regular budget

This money was DIRECTLY divided for the number of 'Covid ICUs'

Tempting, uh?

The bribe for pumping up Covid went to 9 billion in total, counting prizes for testing and Hospitalisations too

This very morning Regions have declared SURPLUS in their Budgets

Guess the number

Yes, 9 billion

Because labelling Covid some of the expected patients costs NOTHING

This fake Covid labelling, this fake wave ICUs doesn't even realise, is Manipulation to create Fear Porn and, directing it to Evil Unvaccinated, force Population to accept ThePass that controls THEM ALL

Funny that all of us Pass NonHolders will be the only ones NOT controlled so

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