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player dev junkie writing for @SwishTheory. Dubs noise for @Game6KlayPod. Pro/college scouting @NextUp_BBall. Looney forever. he/him

Dec 9, 2021, 13 tweets

Every Warriors fan knows how Steph gets mauled shooting on a nightly basis, but last nights game against Portland was egregious. I watched every jump shot from both teams from last night to point out how ridiculously ignorant referees are of how Steph is defended. Threaded below.

First possession of the game, Steph uses the Kevon Looney screen to get freed at the break. Dennis Smith Jr. is able to mostly wiggle around it but catches Steph on the wrist. You can see him pull his arm back, the classic sign of guilt. No call.

Take your pick: Little clearly gets Steph on the wrist while also taking up a good chunk of his landing space. Directly in front of the ref. No call

Again, directly in Steph's landing space and catching him right on the wrist. No call.

It's not just Warriors fan tunnel vision. This was called a foul on Normal Powell when he didn't even touch Damion Lee. Good thing the ref was able to see this from so far away.

The weird leg splay by Powell confuses the landing space, but Wiggins slaps him right on the wrist. It's a clear foul, and they call it.

This was one of the more egregious ones in real-time. Covington hardly bothers to control his closeout and blitzes right through Steph's chest while he hits the three. The first time Steph actually says anything to the refs all night. He's just used to it.

On the very next possession, Steph is called for the foul on landing space here despite Little throwing his legs out and how clearly Steph is planted in front of the three-point line. He’s confused about it, to say the least. Three free throws going the other way.

Nas Little had to leave the game because he stepped directly on Steph’s foot trying to contest this one. It might be an offensive foul for Steph extending his leg, but Little isn’t controlling his upper/lower body either, as you can see with the arm contact as the shot leaves

Steph gets called for the arm check on Ben McLemore’s runner, and it’s the right call. The back ref makes the call. Take note of him for the next play.

This is on the very next possession, directly in front of the same referee, with the same two players. McLemore clearly catches Steph on the left elbow while he’s taking and making the three. Same exact call to make, only it happens *directly* in front of his eyes. Didn’t see it.

Again it’s McLemore getting a clean hand foul on a made three at the break, directly in front of the same referee. But it’s Otto Porter Jr. shooting the three, and because his name isn't Wardell, that means it’s a foul. Make it make sense.

These shots are tough to call when Steph is lunging forward and giving up his right to a clean landing space. Still, Normal Powell just elbows him in the side for good measure. Nada. By my final count, I had Steph getting fouled on 5/12 contested threes last night. 0 FTA.

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