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Dec 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Can you believe it's been 9 years since the Ikea Monkey stormed the store and the internet? 🐒

The Star's @madiwongg is here to take you down a trip through memory lane⬇️…

In December of 2012, Darwin, the very small but very fashionable monkey was found at an Ikea parking garage in North York, Ont.…

Toronto Animal Services initially brought him into custody but he was later transferred to Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary in Sunderland, Ont.…

Darwin's former owner, Yasmin Nakhuda, filed a lawsuit with the santuary to get him back but ultimately, Nakhuda ended up losing the custody battle.…

“When he came to us, he was lacking in confidence and unsure how to act around other monkeys,” said Izzy Hirji, chair of the sanctuary’s board of directors in 2013.…

Since then, the santuary has continued to post updates on Darwin, stating he has been able to make friends with the other monkeys and learn essential skills like grooming.…

The latest update of Darwin was posted on Nov. 29 by the sanctuary, along with two of his friends Lexy and Maximus.…

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