So you thought Phil Waldron's PowerPoint presentation was nuts? Just look at what Patrick Byrne tweeted on January 4th: AMERICA IS PREPARING FOR WAR.
This tweet linked to a report which could be seen as coup memo number 6. It's titled "Reclaiming A Superpower - Americans Prepare For War."
Pretty straightforward language?
As for Byrne's coup idea, this was his solution put in print:
Our window to solve this is closing. Much time has been wasted by bad and incompetent actors seeking to run out the clock.
Currently, Senator Cruz (TX) has proposed that we conduct a 10-day audit of elections. This is not enough time to conduct an election audit. Had this been done a month ago, it might have been able to reveal the will of the voters.
Now it will only clog the system and appease people who don't understand how the process works. Efforts for transparency will be thwarted at every stage.
The time for auditing the 2020 US Presidential Election has passed.
Our Remaining Options: (a) Contingent Election for US President. (b) Accept obvious corruption in United States Government. (c) War.
That is right: On January 4th 2021 Patrick Byrne tweeted out a document that had the option of war if Byrne's demands were not met.
This document was also tweeted out later by both Lin Wood and Mike Lindell before January 6th.
I'll now share each page of this document in this thread.
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