UnderThatStone Profile picture
This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Dec 10, 2021, 9 tweets

⬅️ Vesica piscis.



⬅️ Center-to-center on this particular Vesica piscis.

⬅️ 🔺 The Great Pyramid (Egypt).

Vesica piscis (center-to-center).

⬅️ 🔺 The Great Pyramid (Egypt).

[M][e][c][c][a] has coordinates that match the spiral and the measure of (1.618).

BOTH are very important mathematical locations.

Use your head or use an editing aid to rotate the photos.
- patterns will become more clear.


Mandorla, Almond, Nut, and Vesica piscis.


We can see THREE or thirds.

Three even layers or zones.

[N][a][v][a][l] [C][e][n][t][e][r].

- full reach.

It all leads to a zillion different directions of numerous books, arts, science, religion, physics, and more.

Learn about the basic Vesica piscis.
(2) rings are sunk into each other (center-to-center).

We can avoid it, but the whole world has been using it.
- PHI (golden).

We can see many options.
(2) circles can sink into each other at different ratios.

Templates. ▪️◾️◼️⬛️

Seen in photo #(1), we used a square template for the spacing of the rings.

In photo #(2), the Centers of Circles touch.[
🔲THREE or thirds.

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