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Dec 10, 2021, 19 tweets

Re-Examining the ‘Time Loop Theory’ in the Context of Attack on Titan’s Ending

Thread #AoTMangaSpoilers
(art @/EnvieP1)

What is the time loop theory? It’s essentially any theory based on the idea of aot’s world existing in a loop, with eren at the centre of that loop trying to break out. I will be putting forth the idea that it does exist in a loop, but ONLY in the context of eren himself. +

Is this feasible? The theory actually became so popular that isayama and his editors themselves knew of it, and the idea is discussed in an interview after the ending released. Here its said to be open to the interpretation of the reader, so i have free reign to interpret.+

My interpretation is rooted from the idea that aot’s world exists with a fixed timeline (the future is set in stone), as this is the ONLY way the time mechanics work in the story. Every act (even influencing the past) is predetermined. Look up bootstrap paradoxes etc. +

The base of my theory is how ch1 and ch138 are tied together. Eren wakes up crying from a ‘long dream’ while resting on the tree that would go on to hold the ‘source’ and sees memories from future eren. The loop with eren restarts as the moment of death flows back to the past. +

To better understand we have to look at the nature of the ‘source’ that gave ymir powers. It acts as a wish granting genie for innate desires. Everything ymir creates (titans/paths) are an extension of what she desired, as laid out by zeke in chapter 137. +

Ymir creates a parallel world when she ‘dies’ because she remains attached to the living world (& fritz) but also because her agony made it impossible to regenerate in that same world. Paths only exist due to ymir, they transcend time & space but only in the context of her life.+

How does this tie to the loop theory? Eren’s most intrinsic desire is to be free. He is ‘free’ because he was born into this world, and that is what his character revolves around. So when he ‘dies’ his essence returns to his younger self instead of creating another world.+

Eren thinks back to 3 things when he asks where this all started. The ‘loop’ (important to note this is FIRST), the act that set ‘attack on titan’ in motion, and his birth. He is connected to each as the past/present/future exist at once for ‘god’ eren. +

Through this interpretation we see that eren exists in a constant loop, his innate desire for freedom ironically trapping him for eternity, never able to achieve that same desire. ‘Everyone is a slave to something’ and eren in his godhood becomes the culmination of this theme.+

The strongest point of this theory exists in meta commentary. Meta is when a story refers to itself. Eren is the protagonist of attack on titan, a manga that uses a timeline that is set in stone. Eren is inherently trapped by the confines of his creation. +

It adds a layer to the commentary of nature v nurture. We can attribute our nature as real people to god or genetics and this works in world for eren, but he is also (factually) a character whose ‘nature’ was created by isayama. +

In this way the loop LITERALLY restarts every single time someone picks up the manga and eren is forced to go through the same journey in *almost* achieving his freedom, but falling short every single time. The most tragic journey repeated eternally. +

To further strengthen this we look at the contents of the ‘long dream’ that are sent back to eren. A false reality where E&M abandoned their ROLES in the story, something that could never happen in the actual timeline. +

If you view Mikasa as a ‘nurture’ component then it’s showing how eren’s ‘nature’ will ALWAYS override that (‘slave’). Despite his last ditch attempt to escape fate by sending a timeline he chose nurture, this is only in vain. The loop remains. +

This also ties to the idea of ‘Sekiaikei’ explained by isayama’s editor, where some part of the story is centred around the two main characters. Their dynamic starts the loop known as ‘attack on titan’.+

Look at this panel again, eren’s expression gains infinite layers. How many times has this happened, how many times must he be be resigned to this fate? Does he accept it? Understand? Is he resigned? It’s your choice.

eren starts the loop by sending his essence through the long dream (via the ‘genie’ that is the source)
eren is eternally forced to repeat this loop as he cannot override his nature (literally through ppl reading the manga)
*eren is incredible*

That’s about it for my interpretation, you’re free to disagree or agree but this is the one i’ll be sticking to. Eren once again cemented as my favourite of all time. Oh and maybe think again about rereading aot if you don’t want to put eren through more pain 🌚

hope you enjoyed

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