Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. Samaritans: call 116 123. He/him.

Dec 10, 2021, 8 tweets

Mental health recovery and what that means is determined by you not by other people. And you can find things that’ll help you in so many places. Thread⬇️

(via @EachOtherUK)

Ray’s parents split up when she was very young, her dad was in and out of prison and was absent from her life which affected her more than she realised. She fought with her mum a lot and ended up estranged from her, and living with her grandparents. (2/8)

But her grandfather had struggles of his own, with alcohol and mental health, so Ray ended up in care. (3/8)

Her school supported her – giving her the space to breathe and teachers that understood what she was going through. (4/8)

She also was living in temporary accommodation for a period of months which was so destabilising but found a space with @RichmondFellowship’s Castle project too. (5/8)

But the thing that really made a difference to Ray was her love and involvement with #Judo - finding a lifeline in the most unexpected of places.

We know that finding routes to mental health support is not easy, but there are still ways, different places, different kinds of support than first expected. (7/8)

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