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Tweeting UKR news while America sleeps. Слава Україна 🇺🇦 Political deep dives, meandering threads, lists, & legion typos, with Oxford commas. #UniteBlue🌊

Dec 10, 2021, 49 tweets

Two days ago, Vision Surreal shared a link to the PowerPoint in the very recalcitrant Mark Meadows’ emails.

You can see it’s an archived link. Delving into the hosting organization last night turned up a few dumpsters worth of unsavory associates.

The PowerPoint had been hosted on the site of a company that goes by the name of Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc.

Their offices are located in DC in what appears to be a coworking and virtual office space, which makes them look totally legit.

The company’s name is an homage to an American lawyer of the same name who published political novels in the 1800s. Several had a character called Baron Trump. The final novel from 1896 is called “1900, or The Last President”.


You may recall the author having his posthumous fifteen minutes of fame in 2017.


The novel had as its premise the end of democracy by an unruly mob.

Apparently some Americans didn’t, like most of us, shrug it off as some very uncanny coincidence.

Some concocted elaborate theories about time travel. If you thought that was more HG Wells’ thing, think again.

The pneumatic you tubes are full of conspiracy theories linked to the novel. Just look at the autofill suggestions.


“Time for action”

“I was skeptical but now I’m thinking time travel is a real possibility” is perhaps the most benign expression of this conspiratorial thinking.

The book was illustrated by a Charles Johnson, so perhaps they are on to something. 😜

QAnon types have gravitated to the book and you will find many unsavory results when you conduct a search.

However, this thread will examine the namesake company more closely. And to be honest, that’s not an easy task. It is cloaked in secrecy.

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. (“ILI” can be pronounced “I lie”) is called a defense contractor in many metatags. If you visit their website, they look quite like a corporate intelligence organization.
Then this graphic showed up courtesy of a Flynn-friendly site, with their divisions.

Let’s take a look at each of the ILI entities and see what we can gather from that. It’s not a pretty picture. Think Dorian Gray…

The first, American Education Defenders, offers 55 free videos you can show your teen to develop “character” because, “You’re Awesome!”

The founder is Paul Hemphill.

As you can see, search results show they involved in efforts against Critical Race Theory.

How this would relate to a purported “defense contractor” is elusive. 😒

So let’s just move on, to “American Health Defenders” and we see the top search results involve a reddit hashtag about killing the virus.

Wow, that community has ~900,000 subscribers.
Talk about “viral”.

Visiting that site, one can not get last the landing page without giving them an email address. They appear to be offering a pandemic-related product.

They “use common sense, real science, the bible, and 🔥lost knowledge of ancient history🔥 to defeat “the invisible enemy.”

Who is behind this may require further research, could be Arkansas. It’s definitely ILI.

Actually this whole website might be a rabbit hole.

https://www dot medmalrx dot com/?american-health-defenders/

Ah yes, up next Cyber Defense Media and Cyber Security Media Group, which, it should be noted, have identical logos.

These are the platforms CDM operates: a magazine, a streaming TV feed, radio and awards.

They claim to be the leading InfoSec accounts on LinkedIn and to have a reach over 1.4 million.


The publisher is a highly accomplished man who has authored books on crypto. This bio says he has reacquired the company from ILI.


Well I don’t know about that, their current media kit gives the ILI address.

April 2020 was not that long ago. 🤷‍♀️


Gary’s book is #1,096 in Amazon’s Digital Currencies book sales list and around 1 million in all books, not to shabby, but then again not hotcakes.

Proceeding to the next entity, Cythereal, well,what a shock, Gary’s a director for this anti-malware outfit.

Them calling it magic kind of reminds me of the “lost ancient knowledge”, but I am trying to keep snark to a minimum and this is not my wheelhouse, so let’s move on.

Oh, whoopsie daisy, we done found ourselves a rabbit hole, folks.

The search engine it says “it looks like there aren’t many great results” when I put “privacy encryption kit” and “quantum” into the search bar, so we are going to have to settle for a screen shot from lost Anna’s blog.

Please note ▶️ Secure Channels ◀️

Smart Venture Partners is located in Wyoming. 2,755 other companies are registered at the same address. Gary turns up again. It’s not a lot of revenue for one entity, but makes you wonder how much the others are raking in, doesn’t it?

The other 2,755 may have absolutely nada to do with ILI as that Wyoming address looks to be shell company central. Like something you would see in BVI or Caymans. Or Delaware, or South Dakota. But I digress.

“Space Force Labs” seems to be a figment of ILI’s imagination. The second result is again a QAnon site, with what appears to be a Q & A with an ILI employee.

No, Lin Wood is NOT ILI. Quite a bit of 🦇💩 here.

Thorium Labs proves equally elusive. The only results of note are ILI’s library, with two links to thorium content.

You can read Mr. Lockwood’s writings or catch up on bee-friendly gardening too.

A defense contractor, you say?

Curiouser and curiouser.

“World of Heroes and Villains”

Give me a break. Zilch, nada, zero. If you can find it without going wayback, you’re a better researcher than me, lolz.

Though it does remind me of the QAnon Q&A, “is this a LARP?”

Now, drumroll please…. We are about to learn of an entity that is NOT featured on any ILI screenshot and truly, I tell you, this is one amazing story…

XSOC is an ILI entity, per the America First politichick Daigle, who has run for mayor in Irvine, California.

XSOC is a software company located in Irvine, California.

They were in stealth mode until May of 2021 when this news hit the wire. They are in the business of securing critical data.

Noted that this is something an actual defense contractor would do.


What’s particularly interesting is the backstory of the CEO, who came from an immensely wealthy family, got involved with a company engaged in a $210 million Ponzi scheme for which he pleaded guilty and spent four years in jail, from 2003 to 2007.

He was captured in France.

After time in the slammer, his company Credit Bancorp was sued by the SEC and in 2012 the judge fined them $328 million.



His siblings had sued him, trying to recover funds from him through his share of the annual trust fund disbursement, after he had declared bankruptcy.

He has more recently been sued by a landlord for eviction in February of this year & a woman w/ a Russian name is codefendant.

Between Credit Bancorp and XSOC, he was rehabilitating himself as a cyber expert at Secure Channels, which claimed in 2015 to have a completely secure platform (lolz), designed for the film industry. They were to launch at Sundance in 2018.


What’s that saying, “there’s always a tweet”?

You may recall earlier in this threading, seekinng the “privacy encryption kit” & “quantum” lost Anna led us to Secure Channels.

My guess is that the privacy encryption kit is Secure Channels is now XSOC.


What a world!

We’ve got a mysterious defense contractor selling people on hoax covid cures, running a cyber security publishing empire, aligned with a guy who served hard time for fraud, and they are running an op that encourages QAnon to believe Trump is a time traveler.

That, and they are somehow involved in disseminating a PowerPoint that provides a blue print for insurrection, based on the novel, The Last President, from one hundred years ago.

It’s almost as if it was all by design.

And this concludes this thread.

It’s time to say off with the Tea Party’s head!

Mark Meadows can die in ignominy when Karma has her say.

Please be a dearie, and unroll this on Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc, and its ties to the Mark Meadows insurrection PowerPoint, @threadreaderapp

Learned of this today

I have visited the Wayback trying to determine more.
The site with three Ls has last been archived in 2019.
The site with two Ls was first archived in July 2021.

I know of no way to determine if they simply reposted the PPT from Logan’s tweet. Anybody have ideas?

Nonetheless this organization and its tentacle could bear further scrutiny.

Here is a list of their board members, which is not currently on their two Ls website.

Thank you, Jenny.

I am going to post some screen shots from a reddit forum that *appear* to be authored by ILI.

This stuff is seriously crazy cult material.

And if you haven’t bothered to open the archived PPT, Mr. Feinberg has very kindly taken screen shots.

Oh my goodness, I shall elucidate


Our friend in Florida has brought up Mr. Blackwell’s LI… just one letter away from ILI.

As luck would have it. #ShadowNetwork

By comparison, a trivial matter, yet we can NOT discount the vastness of the rightwing conspirasee. #VRWC

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