Steven Dennis Profile picture
Bloomberg reporter / Congress. Opinions mine. #FridayNightZillow #CheapZillow for fun. I'm @steventdennis elsewhere too. RTs ≠. Tips:

Dec 11, 2021, 47 tweets

*INSANE island vacation cottage combo platter
*KIRK DOUGLAS' mansion
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FIRST on #FridayNightZillow: A fourpack of rentable, insanely romantic vacation treehouse-style cottages on Wadmalaw Island (featured in The Notebook), South Carolina, featured on Netflix.

They are awesome. $1.6M.

35 acres. We should buy it right now.…

Get into the swing of things #FridayNightZillow

Nice ceilings. Cute couple touches. Trails. Outdoor showers and swings. Sign me up! #FridayNightZillow

This really looks like a postcard from paradise. Enjoy a coffee and croissant with your mate. #FridayNightZillow

Former mansion of the late Kirk Douglas on #FridayNightZillow. Best part: The signatures in the garden. I spot Tony Curtis, Ronald Reagan, Edward G. Robinson, Rosalind Russell, Charlton Heston, etc. The house itself is OK. $7.495M. Beverly Hills.…

Crazy California mansion on #FridayNightZillow.
You asked for weird, we deliver!

This bedroom has it all:
*Proper TV placement
*Weird, cozy fireplace
*Open concept shower (?!)
*Bathtub #FridayNightZillow

Yeah this is good. What's in the glass box? #FridayNightZillow

I'd have a party every weekend if I lived here. Let's party! #FridayNightZillow

If I'm spending $5M on a house, I want me some weird sinks. (Click on #SinkZillow for a rabbit hole). #FridayNightZillow

Totally weird and wonderfully affordable house in Louisville. Some style crimes here, but hey, it's Friday Night!
6BR, 5BA, 3780 sf, $420K!
I hope you like "Gummie Foundation" carved into your kitchen cabinetry and insanely high TVs!

Beds this high seem like a hazard? I'd be deathly afraid of falling out and breaking a hip on that floor. But you get a tray ceiling. #FridayNightZillow

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, Go Directly to Too-High TV Jail. #FridayNightZillow

I'm honestly kind of scared of this shower. #FridayNightZillow

Somebody likes gangster movies, in addition to weirdly placed TVs (upper right corner). #FridayNightZillow

Up next, a 113-acre Tennessee estate/mansion.

Only $1M. Sold for $700K a few months ago. No idea why it's so cheap other than, well, you might want to redecorate. #FridayNightZillow…

I'm unfamiliar with this stove design. Does it fold up and out of the way? Kind of cool. #FridayNightZillow

Just making sure you are still awake. 🤯🤯🤯 #FridayNightZillow

This has to be haunted, right?

$19,500 for 6,260 square feet in Columbus, Kansas.

*IDEAL* for a horror movie set. And a little over $3 a square foot! Let's buy it and remake Blair Witch entirely inside this building. #FridayNightZillow…

H/t to my wife, sister-in-law and 9-year-old daughter for finding many of the homes you are enjoying tonight. We still have a lot to come, including a house formerly owned by Eminem, and that French insane paradise. #FridayNightZillow

My daughter found this spectacular 80s home.
$11.95M. 9BR, 12BA, 23,950 sf of awesomesauce. PREPARE YOUR RETINAS!
El Granada, California on #FridayNightZillow…

Just spectacular. #SinkZillow #FridayNightZillow

I can't help but think people are taunting me by scraping the ceiling with these TVs. This is atrocious placement in an otherwise spectacular kitchen. Although, is that carpet????? #FridayNightZillow

Party time. #FridayNightZillow

Oh, yeah. Having some very serious Magnum P.I./A-Team 80s flashbacks now. I remember the A-Team once shooting down a helicopter with a machine gun and everybody walked away without a scratch. Good times. #FridayNightZillow

I told you there were mysteries to be solved. #FridayNightZillow

INSANE 5K SF PARTY MANSION for just $399K! Recent price cut! Dallas. We should drop what we are doing and pool our money right now! #FridayNightZillow…

Is that what I think it is? #FridayNightZillow

The color clash in this bathroom is giving me a headache. That toilet! #FridayNightZillow

One of the larger party showers I've seen on Zillow. In a $3.795M California house. #FridayNightZillow…

This is a bathroom. #FridayNightZillow

UTAH compound. Designed to be rented out. 4 homes. 15BR, 18BA, $3.5M, 11,906 sf. I like it. #FridayNightZillow…

A huge mansion formerly owned by Eminem. Rochester, Michigan. 20K square feet. I mostly like it. Hope it puts a smile on your face. #FridayNightZillow…

Kitschy event venue/home/bar in Comanche, Texas. Just $287,500 buys you 8,750 square feet! #FridayNightZillow…

HUGE log home, reasonable price.
$629K for 7K sf. Ironwood, Michigan. I'm pretending that TV doesn't exist. #FridayNightZillow…

Someone turned a cute Pennsylvania church into a neat art gallery. $350K buys us 7,500 square feet. Not bad! #FridayNightZillow…?

This might be the nicest $135K house I've ever seen. Sweet pool, stainless steel appliances. Seems like good, solid, affordable housing? Ohio. #FridayNightZillow…?

It's rare I can't find something to complain about in a house, but this one is lovely. Especially the wide plank floors.

About the only thing I don't like is the gold fixtures.

Greenwich, Connecticut on #FridayNightZillow

$3.495M, 5BR, 10BA etc…

Um, well, this is awkward. Sotheby's you up? Because I have some questions. #FridayNightZillow

Surprisingly price for a 9K sf New Jersey mansion on an 8+ acre estate. A SALT-y special. The buyers of this $1.375M house with a $30K annual tax bill would be prime beneficiaries of the Democrats' proposed SALT tax cut. #FridayNightZillow

What the hell is this??? In an otherwise boring ~$25M house in California. #FridayNightZillow…

Coming up: A Dream French compound. IN FRANCE.

So, no, it won't be a ZIllow listing, sadly. #FridayNightZillow

I thought California was supposed to be insanely expensive, but this would be a LOT more expensive in DC. $879K. #FridayNightZillow…

One of the most insane mansions I've ever seen.

It has *3* kitchens designed and built by La Cornue, the ultra-upscale French appliance maker. It's enormous, on a hill overlooking the water. It's in France. It's ~$141M. And it's on #FridayNightZillow…

Watch the always entertaining @enesyilmazer tour this modern monument to luxury and excess, via YouTube

That's it for this edition of #FridayNightZillow.

Hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next one!

Also, h/t to the person who told me about the Eminem house. I forgot who it was so please tag yourself here if you are watching!

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