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Dec 11, 2021, 8 tweets

Language patterns on earnings calls are very interesting

This qtr has already seen a record # of mentions of "transitory"

Why does this happen?

- they all use the same corp comms consultants?
- a CEO cabal determines what word everyone must use?


CEOs always see lots of headwinds

But we did just hit a 5 year high for headwinds

Gotta manage those expectations!!!

They see tailwinds about 1/2 as much

Although tailwind talk has climbed bigly

Imagine the lack of tailwinds is because great performance is not due to market forces but instead a function of managerial genius…

Also nice to see the analysts are back to congratulating execs of the companies they analyze (gotta play nice with future employers)

After a Covid-induced trough of despair, analysts are back to saying "great quarter guys" at above pre-pandemic levels…

"Supply chain" absolutely on 🔥 on earnings calls

~16,800 mentions this quarter…

And finally, the "great resignation" has entered the building

If you got other terms you're interested in, drop them in here and I'll try to run them…

Public company execs are all about the "metaverse" now

BTW, who (besides Meta) will be the first company to host their earnings call in the metaverse?

My money is on Roblox or Unity…

breaking news: "synergies" are on the way out

i repeat, do not use the word synergies…

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