owen cyclops Profile picture
illustrator at the nexus of starting a family, weird american religion, and dog. comics in highlights tab. a lot more stuff here: https://t.co/uzxC71XMGI

Dec 11, 2021, 6 tweets

posted this morning: you may have heard about the tornado situation in kentucky. in my friends town like 70 homes were destroyed. its not much but we are selling some stuff here to raise money for it. we’re like 30% of the way to todays goal here already (~$1100). check it:

hello i will now tell you things that i know about kentucky to raise awareness for our little micro operation here

did you know kentucky has an esoteric connection with japan (its real). in fact colonel sanders went to japan many times (did u know this)

in fact although i can not find my own photos or the tweets at this time, on one esoteric americana roadtrip i went to the grave of colonel sanders. it is tucked away in the back of this nice cemetery. notice anything interesting here btw

thank you for dispensing this epic lore my friend

there is much esoterica regarding the kentucky japan connection. for example technically KFC in japan was formed with mitsubishi (zaibatsu moment), who at least recently, later, took over KFC in japan. this makes sense as KFC is technically a luxury brand


we are about 80% of the way to today's goal

✉️ there are 15 packs left

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