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#지민: “Know that the pain will pass. And when it does, you'll be stronger” ♡ ☔Still with you enthusiast☔

Dec 12, 2021, 23 tweets

Expose thread on @/Jismkook_twt for copying threads for months.

On research, we came to know that she has been copying threads for months now. She didn't only copy the videos but also captions and sometimes she copied the arrangements of the videos too. We dmed her but she didn't respond. Thank you @orphicJJK for helping me a lot.

She copied this vlive funny moments thread from @tanseok
The way she copied captions too, She just copy pasted it


This thread was made by @orphicJJK in sept. She posted it only 4days ago.

Another thread by @orphicJJK


This thread of jungkook duality was made by me just 2 days before her thread. She didn't even wait for a week :)

She copied this thread from @amjooniebae @orphicJJK @alpacajintae


from @orphicJJK

from @jeonxyzc

from @orphicJJK again

She stole people's taglist too, when @saikilovesbts dmed her, she literally blocked them..

She literally copied a thread from @kthtanies yesterday and when we called her out, she deleted the thread without any apology.

then she didn't even wait for another day, she posted this thread which was copied from @DI0RVANTE and me.. she copied some twts from @orphicJJK too but I didn't them..

These are the twts we found, maybe other threads can be copied too but we don't know. They can be original too. We just wanted to say, this isn't the right way to make threads bcz we make threads with a lot of hard work.

Please don't bash her in dms or say anything harsh. I hope she'll stop copying threads like this and make her original threads. And if you're following @/Jismkook_twt then it's up to you what you wanna do.

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