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Rightwing Pest Control. Felonious Tweeter. Chaotic Good. ✊🏿🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ she/her

Dec 12, 2021, 15 tweets

Hey Twitter, I’m back. I’d like you to meet Nurse Rebecca Skoczylas, who like Holly Austin also spread misinformation at the Brighton BOE meeting. I’m calling her Nurse E.Coli b/c she’s full of 💩. @stjoes_health I believe she’s on your staff?) (Another 🧵)

Nurse E.Coli’s recent gig is as a “Clinical Documentation Nurse Educator.” - Yet another Nurse teaching future nurses how to spread dangerous misinformation in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Unbelievable!

I looked into this article Skoczylas references from Gainesville parents. I thought as a “Clinical Documentation” expert surely this must be in reference to a serious peer reviewed study. NOPE! It’s basically a Facebook meme 🤦🏻‍♀️ factcheck.afp.com/http%253A%252F…

I found this article where true medical experts debunk the study in under 5 seconds. It’s literally the first result that pops up when you google “Gainesville mask study.”

“The full results show clearly that the majority of data did not fit the narrative of masks making children sick, and was not reported.” Per Dr. Neuman, chair of Biological sciences @ Texas A&M.

@stjoelivingston @stjoes_health I thought you might want to know your Clinical Documentation specialist Nurse Skoczylas thinks Facebook memes are a legitimate source of medical documentation.

@stjoelivingston @stjoes_health Here’s a good look at her to make sure she’s yours. Another talented mind I’m sure fallen victim to the @Moms4Liberty GOP Astroturf con job. Sad!

This goes way beyond sharing a Facebook meme or a TikTok video. Skoczylas appeared b/f the Brighton BOE in her capacity of a nurse to spread easily debunkable misinformation.

Her testimony bolstered the opinions of anti-science trustees, and as a result the board voted down a mask mandate for Brighton schools 4-3. She helped further put people’s lives at risk. amp.livingstondaily.com/amp/6415657001

This is in the midst of a five alarm fire in our community @stjoelivingston which it’s clear you’re already aware of. whmi.com/news/article/s… This is your chance to clean house and I hope you do.

I will be submitting a complaint to @michiganLARA about this danger nurse just like I did with Holly Austin. To any other nurses who do this in my community, just know I watch and record these meetings and I’ll report you too. Is it worth possibly losing your license?

I’ll keep you posted, Twitter! If any of you are aware of more regulatory bodies I can report these nurses to for misinformation, please share!

@TrinityHealthAH @stjoelivingston @stjoes_health Your employee Rebecca Skoczylas is big mad over your vax mandate and would like you to “stick it where the ☀️ don’t shine” and she’s telling other people exactly that.

@stjoes_health are you going to take that claptrap? She’s doing enormous damage to your reputation.

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