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Dec 12, 2021, 10 tweets

Very cute how The Guardian never uses the word "imperialism" except when it wants to criticize a nation the world's leading imperialist power doesn't like.



"The first phase of China’s new imperial age is already in train. Xi’s ambitious belt and road investment and infrastructure initiative (BRI) touches 60 countries. China is the world’s largest trading nation and largest exporter, with $2.6tn worth of exports in 2019."

So, trade.

Beyond trade Tisdall's evidence that China has COMPLETELY SUPPLANTED western powers as an imperialist force consists of (1) China having one single foreign military military base in Djibouti and (2) US government claims that it plans on building more.…

The ridiculous threat inflation of China's *alleged* plans to build a military base in Equatorial Guinea is eviscerated in this excellent article by @DanielLarison.…

@DanielLarison Very revealing how many empire propagandists keep interpreting a warning that China will defend itself from attackers as a menacing and aggressive act.

@DanielLarison God what a disgusting piece of propaganda. FYI agreeing with Simon Tisdall on any foreign policy issue is nature's way of telling you to change your media consumption habits.…

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