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Dec 13, 2021, 6 tweets

🕉 Divine #Narayaneeyam Day 🙏
#Guruvayur Temple
It was on the 28th of Malayalam month Vrishchikam, Bhagawan’s ardent devotee Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri - had completed Sreemad Narayaneeyam with 1036 shlokas & offered to Bhagawan Guruvayurappan 🚩1/6

🕉 Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri was the student of Achyuta Pisharadi. While his Guru was afflicted with rheumatism, Bhattathiri transferred the ailment to his own body through his yogic powers & cured his Guru. This was his Guru Dakshina🚩2/6

🕉 Afterwards Melpathur suffered a lot due to this disease & Ezhuthachan, author of Killipattu Ramayanam, advised Melpathur to go to Guruvayur Temple & then – 'Meen Thottu Kootuga' – the translation means ‘start with tasting fish’ in Malayalam 🚩3/6

🕉Kootuga has 2 meanings in Malayalam- to ‘taste‘ & another is to ‘count’.
But Bhattathiri realized the true meaning of the advice that Ezhuthachan actually meant was to start counting from the Matsya Avatar of Bhagawan Vishnu🚩4/6

🕉 Melpathur composed the Narayaneeyam describing the 10 avatars of Bhagawan Vishnu. Every avatar description ends with the poet requesting Lord Guruvayurappan to cure his disease. The Miracle happened- when he completed the literary work, he was cured from Rheumatism 🚩5/6

🕉He was also blessed with longevity & good health by Bhagawan Guruvayurappan. "Parayana" of Narayaneeyam has wonderful power of healing disease-mental & physical of devotees. "Nithyaparayana” of Narayaneeyam will bless the devotees to Ayur Arogya Soukyam🚩6/6

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