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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Dec 13, 2021, 10 tweets

"Eric Schmidt was never merely the tech-business guy pictured on the inside back cover of one of his books..this Davos , Bilderberg , Highlands Group , and Bohemian Grove regular..stands at a nexus of myriad ambitious projects."

In 2018 .. Eric Schmidt joined MIT as a visiting innovation fellow for one year as an advisor to MIT Intelligence Quest……

Eric Schmidt's involvement with MIT Media Lab actually go way back ..…

> Nicholas Negroponte > the One Laptop per Child Foundation (OLCF)

Schmidt was part of the transhumanist computer geek pack who were collected and nutured by Epstein-connected John Brockman of the Edge organisation ..

The MIT Media Lab , Apple Japan , Deutsche Bank were involved in setting up computers & Internet access in rural Cambodian schools w/

Bernard Krisher, chairman of American Assistance for

In 2004 the Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School was set up in rural Cambodia. Opening ceremony attended by Bernard Krisher…

Jeffrey Epstein was a donor of Henry Jarecki & in his black book #Epstein #MITMediaLab

Jarecki wasn't just in Epstein's little black book he was on the flight logs of the Lolita Express too..

The Beginning and End of Press Freedom in Cambodia…

"I am interviewing Somaly Mam, a famous anti-human trafficking advocate..
I took a gambit and flew to Phnom Penh for an interview w/ Bernard Krisher.. "

Somaly Mam w/ Susan Sarandon.

Sarandon & her SPiN associations require its own 🧵

> Andre Balazs #ARK crowd ..…

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