Quantіan1 Profile picture

Dec 13, 2021, 5 tweets

Student loan debt in America: the angle is proportional to the number of people with debt in that range, the area is proportional to the total value of debt in that range. The top 10% of borrowers have half the debt, a Gini coefficient of 62%.

Everyone complaining about this visualization:

Enough! I relent, and will bow to the crass taste of the masses. I have added in the % of total debt and changed it to a soft baby-friendly pastel color scheme, so the babies whining about it in my mentions will finally shut up.

(As an aside, you may ask: Why is this the default color scheme? As everyone knows, Mathematica's design choices were handed down by Allah to Stephen Wolfram and contains no errors. In this case, the default orange/blue shading is visually distinct for all colorblind individuals)

Ok, one last thing: based on the 2021 data, if you gave everyone blanket forgiveness of up to $ X, here's what fraction of borrowers would be extinguished and what your total cost would be.

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