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Dec 14, 2021, 5 tweets

Happy birthday to @RanaDaggubati. Here is an interesting story of how he got his most famous role of Bhallaladeva.

Did you know that one of the first people the producers of movie had in mind for Bhallaladeva was Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo from Game Of Thrones.

In the very early stages of scripting, SS Rajamouli invited a few people to his house and gave an indication of what he wanted to make.. No Story, just outlines.

He showed a map of a kingdom of Mahishmati - it had mountain ranges on 3 sides and a huge waterfall.

The waterfall was supposed to represent the unfathomable - people below will never be able to go on top of the waterfall.

Rajamouli explained the time period to be sometime after Ramayana and before Mahabharatha.

The character of Bhallaladeva was explained by @ssrajamouli

"There is this tyrant king, standing on his balcony, looking at a 100 ft statue of himself being erected. This is Bhallaladeva, who never believed in God, but liked the idea of deityhood with him being the deity."

"There are about a 100 men under the statute and he liked the power of giving or taking life away. Just a second before the statue falls, he lets them go."

This was enough for @RanaDaggubati to say yes to one of Indian cinema's most iconic characters. #ranadaggubati

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