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We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information Support WHO:

Dec 14, 2021, 6 tweets

Day 2 of our Global Conference on #HealthPromotion!
Join us and learn more on how you can make healthier choice for your health

Check out our interactive page

🚭 Quit tobacco!
Every year more than 8 million people die from tobacco use; 65,000 children die each year from second-hand smoke.
Creating smoke-free environments & supporting people to quit tobacco helps communities stay healthy & thrive

🍩 Avoid processed food
🧂 Reduce your intake of fat, sugar & salt

When people have access to healthy food they can learn better, be more productive, stay mentally & physically healthy and reach their potential #HealthPromotion

🗑️ Avoid unnecessary waste
🌏 Make earth-friendly choices

We need a clean planet to protect the health & well-being of current & future generations


💧 Avoid wasting water when possible
💦 Don’t pollute your local water sources

Everyone has the right to clean water. Keeping pollution out of our waterways & ensuring we all have access to clean, sustainable water sources is key to well-being in our societies #HealthPromotion

🏙️ Safe & healthy cities means:
🩺 access to quality health care
❤️ safe and health-supportive environments for good quality of life
🫂 inclusion
🦺 reduce the risk of injury & violence
😃 communities thrive & achieve health equity #HealthPromotion

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