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Engineer. Selecting and curating pictures and videos trying to add context, source and explanation to science, tech, art and weather topics

Dec 14, 2021, 5 tweets

The last human's view from the surface of the Moon so far: a post EVA-3 window pan by Jack Schmitt, Apollo 17, taken 49 years ago #Today

The last time we walked on the Moon. Portraits of Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt onboard the lunar module Challenger before lift off, 49 years ago #Today #Apollo17

This is the Apollo 17 lunar module Challenger during its lift off from the lunar soil, happening 49 years ago #Today

You can cleary see Gene Cernan in the Apollo 17 Lunar Module window, in this picture taken during the LM-CSM docking process, 49 years ago #Today

An Earthrise from the Moon orbit, once the Apollo 17 crew reunited on the Command and Service Module America, 49 years ago #Today

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