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Dec 14, 2021, 7 tweets

🔎 HOW TO …

Americans Googled how to do a lot of things in 2021, from how to help Afghan refugees to how to be happy alone.

Here’s what people searched the most, and some background 👇 1/7

The U.S. completed withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan, ending 20 years of war that culminated in the Taliban’s return to power.

The phrase ‘how to help Afghan refugees’ was searched most in August, the lead up to the full withdrawal: 2/7

For Jacqueline Tolu, 98, and Elliot Bellman, 20, the pandemic upended their lives but led to an unlikely friendship.

The phrase 'how to be happy alone' was searched most in February. Here’s how two people connected during lockdown: 3/7

A total of 158.5 million households would receive direct payments under the Senate version of a $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill, the White House said.

The search for eligibility peaked in March. Here's more: 4/7

Meme-based virtual currency ‘Dogecoin’ soared to an all-time high in May, extending its 2021 rally.

The crypto’s popularity led to its pronunciation being searched most in May. Here's how it became the fourth-biggest digital coin: 5/7

Eighteen months in loungewear while remote working during the pandemic left professionals hankering for fresh wardrobes as they embraced hybrid working.

The phrase 'how to style straight-leg jeans' was searched most in April. Here's why: 6/7

A historic winter storm killed at least 21 people, left millions of Texans without power and spun killer tornadoes into the U.S. Southeast.

The phrase 'how to help Texas' was most-searched in February, when people needed a helping hand most 7/7

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