PrimeDAO (D2D) Profile picture
Building tools that turn DeFi into a cooperative ecosystem. #DAO2DAO products and services.

Dec 14, 2021, 11 tweets

An overview of #D2D’s value thesis:

PrimeDAO's role in the DAO ecosystem, and what it means for #D2D holders.

tl;dr: a metaDAO token that shares the value of the DAO ecology emerging from Prime's infrastructure 🕸️…

A thread journey…
1/11 🧵

In an ecosystem where DAOs govern protocols and assets with high plasticity and composability, there is an inherent desire for more interconnectedness. DAOs want to communicate, coordinate and collaborate with one another-

No DAO seeks to be an isolated island.


As DAOs continue to multiply, the demand for scope and variety of D2D interactions grows exponentially.

However, trustless infrastructure that can facilitate a flourishing permutation space for the DAO ecosystem is not here..


Prime arises as a cluster of experienced builders focused on enabling the growth of this ecosystem. Launchpad, co-governed liquidity, D2D deals, and public goods.

Prime tools serve DAOs across all phases of their life cycle from fledgling DAO to coordination machine.


The ecology that emerges between the infrastructural tooling Prime provides and DAOs that utilize them to unleash more value and creativity is a symbiotic relationship: Prime will prosper alongside the DAOs that leverage the new functionalities it enables.


This symbiotic relationship is our DNA: $D2D captures value of the DAO ecosystem it facilitates.

#D2D is a metaDAO token that holds a stake in every DAO that 1) interacts with Prime tools and 2) co-builds with Prime


The Prime products have a fee-switch that can be activated once they achieve a level of adoption by DAOs. Fees will be collected in the native tokens of participating DAOs ,a % of which will flow to #D2D token holders. What will this mean for Prime and #D2D holders is


Prime will gain a stake in DAOs from all shapes and sizes. DAOs forming on Prime’s architecture and actively engaging with the networks of value will use #D2D as their language.

#D2D token holders will be passively accumulating exposure to the DAO ecosystem as a whole.


Prime will be bonded to the DAOs that inhabit its ecology

Prime will tap into its bonds to further co-govern & co-build with our partner DAOs:

@BalancerLabs @OlympusDAO @gitcoin @tecmns @thedaoist_ , and many more to come


Since $D2D will be in the treasuries of the DAOs we are co-building with, they will also increase their stake in the DAO space as a whole.

End result? #D2D will allow DAOs to all own a piece of each other and become a meshed antifragile value..(ready?) Ecology.


Visit the link below to participate in the #D2D launch if you so desire.

Thank you for reading till the end, we appreciate your commitment and support to an ever wiser ecology of DAOs!


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