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Prof @ucsf, Physician-Scientist, IG @vprasadmdmph @vkprasadlab @plenary_session, YouTube, #vpzd podcast & @Sensible__Med; Views mine

Dec 14, 2021, 7 tweets

Led by Timothee Olivier, our new paper is now out at @JAMANetworkOpen

We analyze 12 years of FDA approvals, and do the hard work of sorting them into
New Mechanism of Action (MOA)
& New MOA for that tumor type
Vs next in class…

First we find, more drug approvals over time!

More approvals means more innovation, right?

Next we show how many drug approvals are truly innovative

The dark bar shows the first approval of a new MOA across tumor types, or within a tumor type (bottom pane)

(bottom pane) the brown bar is moving to an earlier line
light blue = next in class

The real measure of innovation 👇👇👇

The proportion of the approvals that are truly innovative

It has stagnated in recent years, and is a minority

Hundreds of new approvals, but only a few dozen new targets

Conclusion: we continue to suffer from a me-too mentality in oncology, as wisely shown by Fojo, 7 years ago

Most of our new drugs are duplicative MOA, or merely seek to claim larger market share for existing drugs

Often these trials have serious biases (misuse of Xover)

Cancer drug development should prioritize truly innovative and transformational approaches.

We may someday have 20 PD1 drugs, but we might do better to explore novel ways to fight the disease

Incentives structures need reconsideration.…

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