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Fighting the fash in Corvallis, Oregon. Send tips to CVAntifa(a)riseup(.)net Member of @TorchAntifa ///CW///

Dec 15, 2021, 9 tweets

New Patriot Front dork just dropped.

Meet Lawrence Alexander Norman aka Frederick OR.

Southern Oregon's Patriot Failure

All of the information and photos within this article come directly from infiltrators operating within the organization. None of the pictures are Lawrence's personal media.

Patriot Front is a rebrand of Vanguard America, the group responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer at the 2017 Unite the Right rally.  Here, PF's leader, Thomas Rousseau, can be seen standing next to the murderer James Alex Fields at the event.…

Lawrence has participated in several activities with the group. Most notably, he was part of the defacement of a mural celebrating equality in Olympia, WA earlier this year.…

Also, in Olympia, he participated in a banner drop with the group. The banner was quickly confiscated by antifascists tracking the group's movement.

We have also documented Lawrence's participation during one of the group's hikes at Camp Muir in Rainier National Park. He can be seen in the following photos:

Given Lawrence's location, we believe him to be responsible for much of the PF stickering and graffiti that has popped up around Medford, Ashland, and neighboring small cities.

We are actively seeking information about Lawrence ans any of his associates in the region. If you have any you want to share, hit us up at!

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