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Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, idealist, hater. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail. RTs = endorsement or scorn. Insta / bluesky / threads same handle.

Dec 15, 2021, 6 tweets

Some potentially revealing exchanges in recently unsealed 1/6 conspiracy charges against two defendants. Notable discussions in late December of funding, allusions to secret plans, and coordination with the Proud Boys.… h/t @alanfeuer

The allegations indicate that the leader of this little crew, Denney, was principally involved in the assault on Officer Michael Fanone. He allegedly both crushed him with a riot shield within the tunnel (note the name tag in the first pic) and dragged him out into the crowd.

If, like me, you're curious about the timing, some info: The docs say FBI had tips identifying these two defendants within 24 hours of the 1/6 attack, got a search warrant on 1/18 and a second one 3 months later, but the arrests didn't happen until 12/7.

The FBI also interviewed Denney in late February, and he made a series of demonstrably false statements. So they clearly had more than enough to charge him in the spring—the guy who dragged Fanone into the mob—but waited until 11 months after the attack to do so for some reason.

The other defendant, Hazard, posted some highly incriminating statements on facebook.

Correction to the above: These two defendants were charged under seal on 12/7, but not actually arrested until six days later, on 12/13. I'd said above that they were arrested on the 7th; I regret the error.

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