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Moved on to other stuff (...and notes) #npub1dergggklka99wwrs92yz8wdjs952h2ux2ha2ed598ngwu9w7a6fsh9xzpc

Dec 15, 2021, 13 tweets

Rules and regulations on how to conduct the Christmas Party in your home.

This is fucking ridiculous.

There is a 35 page pdf that explains it all.…

Look at this.

You, the host, are supposed to police friends and family. If someone is not complying or breaking one of these rules, it's up to EUR 20,000 in fines.

Need propaganda posters to let the unvaccinated know that they are not welcome? No worries! You can download them here:

Of course, Christmas & New Year's defaults to "Warnstufe 3", the highest and most restrictive tier. Doesn't matter what the numbers say.

Why? Because fuck you, that's why!

2G has to be 2G-plus now, because boosters and stuff.

You don't need to have a test if you just got your booster because ... well, because it's not supposed to make any sense lmao

when memes become legislation

bro it's all so easy and logical why don't you just comply bro it's science



If you want to do anything, we need your name, address, contact information, and we're gonna timestamp it all - for example with an app.

(this data will only be used by the health authorities ofc *wink wink*)

"You have to keep 1,5m distance even if there is zero covid" - what?

What if I don't pay the fines?

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