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Dec 15, 2021, 17 tweets

2021 has brought with it unique quirks that humankind has never endured before: seeing a man shove a flare up his butt to celebrate England’s football success, for a start.

It’s time to look back on the year-defining experiences of the last 12 months👇


Having an 11am pint for the pub reopening because all the pubs had been booked weeks in advance

Not knowing what to do when spotting a group of seven having a picnic

Running out of storage on your phone because you’ve downloaded 25 different order-to-table apps

Being at your first gig back and being surprised at how bloody loud it is!

Being caught in the Catch-22 of not being able to go into a shop and buy a mask because you forgot your mask

Finding some sort of self-justification to turn off your Bluetooth to avoid being pinged


Getting far too emotionally involved in Meghan and Harry’s Oprah interview

Spending literally hours of your life looking at pictures of Jack Grealish’s calves

Forwarding Munya Chawawa’s Matt Hancock parody video to all your friends

Getting hooked on It’s A Sin

Realising you would probably die for Adele

Going to six delayed pandemic weddings in the space of a month

‘Is it Covid or am I hungover?’

Realising you’ve been doing lateral flows wrong for the past two years and you’ve been swabbing the dangly bit at the back of your throat

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