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Curator of the art, history and fiction of old dreams.

Dec 15, 2021, 14 tweets

What time is it? You KNOW what time it is...

Time for my occasional series "Women with great hair fleeing gothic houses!"

And today we are fleeing 1974.

Looks like someone forgot the house on this cover...

Malice Domestic, by Rae Foley. Dell, 1974.

By the sea, or under it? The Poisoned Anemones, by Ursula Sanford. Ravenswood Gothic, 1974.

Garth Marenghi did this cover. Probably.

Dark Mansion, by Caroline Farr. Signet, 1974.

The Lucifer Cult, by Lynn Benedict. Ravenswood Gothic, 1974.

The Devil's in the detail...

Alta In The Shadows, by Honoria de Sackville. Freeway, 1974. That is quite a nom de plume!

The Romany Curse, by Suzanne Somers. Belmont Tower, 1974.

That is a long, long set of stairs. I pity the Amazon delivery driver who has to go there...

Nightmare In Eden, by Miriam Asher. Ravenswood Gothic, 1974. Cover by Elaine Duillo.

How do you even write 'unutterable terror'?

To The Castle, by Dorothy Malm. Ace Gothic, 1974.

Not sure about the barefoot look, may step on a snail... or something worse!

The Yesteryear Phantom, by W.E.D. Ross. Avon Gothic, 1974. Yellow is supposed to be the colour of the mind you know...

Curse of Deepwater by Christine Randell. Warner Gothic, 1974.

Santa will never get down those chimneys...

Crucible of Evil, by Lyda Belknap Long. Avon Gothic Original, 1974. Cover art by Walter Popp.

It'll look nicer once they finish that extension...

Night Of The Bonfire, by Jane Blackmore. Ace Gothic, 1974.

Bring your own marshmallows...

More gothic romance another time. Mind how you flee...

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