UnderThatStone Profile picture
This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Dec 15, 2021, 5 tweets

STEP 1⃣.

...boxing rings. 🥊🥊

Phi, and the three very common numbers.
1.0 even.

🔪📐 - precise mathematical cuts and folds.

STEP 2⃣.

Notice the hidden sections of three.
- Vesica piscis (center-to-center on this Vesica piscis).

...next, complete the cuts, bends and folds.

STEP 3⃣.

The LEGS get tricky enough for a separate lesson in itself.

The legs aim is at the naval (belly button).
- they mathematically seem to work out after a small shift.

Very clever.
Very tricky.
Very simple too.

Look close on photo (3) and (4).
- notice a figure.

Step 4⃣.

The process comes together after learning the small steps.

These people are incredibly clever. 📖

I pick the lowest hanging fruit, and pass on what I'd consider life changing math building skills.

Learning about the human form is an art. ⬅️

Look up.⬆️

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