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An account meant to showcase bad takes on guns and gun control by gun control advocates. I’m trying to post frequently, if not every day. RIP JStark.

Dec 16, 2021, 10 tweets

This take is so horrendously bad that I needed to make a thread to break it down. Here is the letter that I analyzed:…

Point 1: As of right now, the second amendment applies to all firearms (and by extension magazines and ammo) in “common use.” This applies to most LCM’s.

Also the “fire in a crowded theater” claim is incorrectly used here (will elaborate if necessary).

Point 2: It wouldn’t have an effect. Most criminals already obtain and possess their firearms though illegal means, and would do the same with the many high capacity mags already in circulation. “Mass shooters” also make up a very small percentage of all gun crime.

Point 3: The amount of people a shooter kills depends on their proficiency in the weapon more than anything. Most modern firearms are quick and easy to reload as well, so there is very little lost time between reloads.

Point 4: This point is still debatable, as the bill was only active for a decade. The article in question even points out that not all analysts agree on its effectiveness. There are plenty of other factors that could’ve lead to the increase in shootings post-ban.

Point 5: In a self-defense situation, the more bullets you can have without needing to reload, the better. Attackers aren’t always alone, they don’t always go down in one shot, and not every shot will connect. Having more ammo than necessary is better than not having enough.

Point 6: They are standard. Most popular rifles and pistols in the country were designed to hold >10 rounds. The “fact” in this statement literally doesn’t support it at all. 93 million citizens are still a minority, not all own guns, and not all gun owners are able to move.

Point 7: It does however make it harder—if not impossible—for law-abiding citizens to obtain one. It also opens up to door to the possibility of making citizens criminals by restricting pre-ban magazines as well, which several states have done.

Point 8: This point in particular displays a problem most (if not all) gun control legislation has; it’s based purely on emotion and therefore isn’t effective at anything besides punishing innocent gun owners. Pew study is totally worthless (will elaborate upon request).

In conclusion, this was an awful take by Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and he should be ashamed of himself. I limited each point to one tweet so I will clarify and/or elaborate upon request. Sources are also available upon request.

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