Timothée Parrique Profile picture
Author of "The political economy of degrowth" (2019) and "Ralentir ou périr. L'économie de la décroissance" (2022).

Dec 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Six figures to understand carbon inequality from the World Inequality Report 2022.


1/ Close to half of all emissions are due to one tenth of the global population, and just one hundredth of the world population (77 million individuals) emits about 50% more than the entire bottom half of the population (3.8 billion individuals).

2/ The bottom half of the global population contributed only 16% of the growth in emissions observed since 1990, while the top 1% (77 million individuals) was responsible for 21% of emissions growth.

3/ In the 1990, carbon inequality was a matter of inequality between countries. Today, carbon inequality is rather one of classes, that is inequality within countries.

4/ This graph shows where emitters are.

5/ Cutting emissions is not an everybody-is-in-the-same-boat mission. In France, for example, the bottom 50% poorest must only reduce their emissions by 3%, while that cut averages 61% for the top 10% richest individuals.

6/ Degrowth for the rich, green growth for the poor.


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