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:Here Now I deny consent of governance to any Justinian-contract-usurpation-paradigms and/or any all-caps entities operating under false or tacit presumptions.

Dec 16, 2021, 13 tweets

I AM a very high level violence technician. there is an art to it there is also a science. predators have an extreme advantage. they have the advantage of planning, they choose. when you find yourself in a bad place there are crucial factors that need to be taken into account.


arm yourself with a tactical mind. make good habits. be unpredictable. always carry a force multiplier this can be something as simple as a strong fat pen or a fat sharpie. some good books: the gift of fear, the book of five rings, on killing, meditations on violence.


don't go stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things. "yeah my friend Jezebel is in town for the weekend, we were thinking of flying down to Vegas and maybe doing a bunch of blow and getting drunk with the hell's angels"...


consider your paradigm. the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of the universe is deceptive and it has teeth. in 3D one of the paradigms is kinetic instant karma; consequences of bad choices. sandwiches get eaten. don't dress like an entree.


BE Dangerous. give yourself permission to be vicious and to be rude and practice and harness the true power of the word "NO" and the use of the words "go f%*$ yourself, I said f*&# the f*&# off!!" an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. action is faster than reaction.


predators choose. better to flip the script. predators have the privilege of not abiding by laws. do not play their game. be prepared to fight dirty and to embrace the ugly, artistic, creative glory of immortal combat. eyes and pinkie fingers break easily. do the math.


get training. get a good teacher. violence is easy. always set the odds in your favor. the battle is won in the preparation. winning is a habit therefore so is losing. stop being a victim. it's a choice. it's a mind set. set yourself up for success.


consider the force multipliers. what is a tool that doesn't look like a tool. predators use "plausible deniability". the criminal justice system is set up for criminals. get tactical combat into your lifestyle. level up. dress for success. make good habits. what is your EDC?


humans use tools. if you break your hand you can't use your tools. combat sports ARE NOT combat. you don't use jujitsu against multiple attackers who have edged tools. you don't want to fight on the ground. don't break your hand punching someone in the head. train violence!!!


there is no quick and easy formula to turn a wet, paper bag into a rock. it takes time. but it begins with a good mind and making good decisions and facing reality. if you attract violence, violence will find you. improve your position!! improve your position. it's a habit!!!


the world is not a safe place. when seconds count, the police are minutes away... maybe. DO NOT let yourself be disarmed. never slap a killer. never let them see you working. take responsibility for your life and those you hold dear. humanity needs the warrior protectors.


never do less than is necessary.
never do more either.

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