The Experts Are Lying Profile picture

Dec 16, 2021, 19 tweets

Why wasn’t Patrick Byrne included in the Mueller Report…?

THEORIES (PART 1): Patrick Byrne, Russia-Gate/Spy-Gate & the takedown of the US President, @Ripple #XRP vs @SECGov, the Clinton-Gensler-Warren triple threat of Thievery & Deception, MENA vs Mina (AR) & Trump’s Middle East Peace Deals. @_XRpizza @TAIGxrp @JohnEDeaton1 @Fame21Moore

THEORIES (PART 2): Patrick Byrne, Russia-Gate/Spy-Gate & the takedown of the US President, @Ripple #XRP vs @SECGov, the Clinton-Gensler-Warren triple threat of Thievery & Deception, MENA vs Mina (AR) & Trump’s Middle East Peace Deals. @_XRpizza @TAIGxrp @JohnEDeaton1 @Fame21Moore

THEORIES (PART 3): Patrick Byrne, Russia-Gate/Spy-Gate & the takedown of the US President, @Ripple #XRP vs @SECGov, the Clinton-Gensler-Warren triple threat of Thievery & Deception, MENA vs Mina (AR) & Trump’s Middle East Peace Deals. @_XRpizza @TAIGxrp @JohnEDeaton1 @Fame21Moore

THEORIES (PART 4): Patrick Byrne, Russia-Gate/Spy-Gate & the takedown of the US President, @Ripple #XRP vs @SECGov .. the Real “INSURANCE POLICY” secret weapon @ the SEC: MELISSA HODGMAN (wife of corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok)
@_XRpizza @TAIGxrp @JohnEDeaton1 @Fame21Moore

6.17.2018: DJT “Strzok was giving Crooked Hillary @HillaryClinton a FREE PASS yet telling his lover, lawyer Lisa Paige that ‘we’ll stop’ TRUMP”

MENA: Middle East North Africa. Listen to @Ripple’s Managing Director of MENA @navinblockchain tell us how Ripple is going to “make a dent in the universe”

The integration by Bank Alfalah with Ripplenet & Launch with Lulu International Exchange

@BankXRP on top of it as always!

Patrick Byrne is key. Settlement (“tZero” as in T plus zero days for a transaction settlement … versus the traditional plus 2 or 3 days for settlement that we have today @tZERO); DTCC; CeDe & Co; RUSSIA… Patrick Byrne is our guy. No chance he and Ripple haven’t crossed paths

Bring it all back together: the DTCC. Real-time settlement (think: XRP, Ripple, and Patrick Byrne’s ‘tZero’).

• SEC will investigate, Facebook sell off.
• Insider trading suspected
• Peter Strzok’s wife (MELISSA HODGMAN) is lead SEC INVESTIGATOR (Director of Enforcement)
Think: SEC’s completely illegitimate lawsuit against RIPPLE alleging #XRP sales as unregistered securities.

I will be sharing updates to the #Whiteboard videos above a little later today ... the rabbit holes go deep! #BankAlfalah #AlfaBank #AlfalfaClub


Would anyone happen to know of a way I could stitch together a series of close-up, high resolution photos into 1 single super-zoomable photograph ... basically a way to zoom in close with high detail to a picture like I've attached here...? #ItGoesDeep

.@threadreaderapp unroll please

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