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Football obsessed, can't stop thinking about it. Data visualization enthusiast. Featured on @elartedf, @GFFN,@_GIFN and @BTLvid✍️. Eager to learn and to help.

Dec 16, 2021, 13 tweets

THREAD🚨🚨: Analyzing Arsenal's season up until now using data.

First of all, let's look into Arsenal's Pass Networks for the last 3 games. Even though they were doing good before, Xhaka made them much better, relieving Partey of some of his defensive duties.

Currently in the 4th place in the Premier League, Arsenal have 29 points to their name. This calls for an look to their xPoints performance. And, it looks like they're overperforming their xP by 3 points currently.

Looking at the PPDA stats, Arsenal aren't a high pressing team, with low successful pressures stats. However, when coming to the eye test, Arsenal have done quite good with high pressing in certain sequences, allowing them to win the ball in dangerous situations.

That being said, Arsenal certainly have to press more frequently to become better and make the cut. They've to press smartly not in huge numbers.
Quality not equal to Efficiency.

Arsenal play more of medium length passes than short passes, and the least number of long passes.

They rank 4th after the City, Liverpool and Chelsea, for deep completions, something that deserves our attention. This just how dominant they've been in the final third.

Arsenal take a large number of touches in both the thirds, which just goes on show to how much work Arteta has done in transforming a counter-attacking team to slowly a more build-up based one.

Arsenal also have a high number of entries into the box, either through passes or crosses, and again just behind Liverpool and City.

They also make a lot less tackles in either of thirds where they prefer to dominate possession instead. And yet again, they're second only after City and Liverpool.

In front of goal, Arsenal have been sort of poor. Creating a high number of chances, resulting in shots from dangerous areas, Arsenal have failed to convert most of their chances, due to the lack of an efficient finisher.

To sum it all up, Arteta and company have really picked up after a very slow start to the season. Capitalizing on Manchester United's turmoil and Chelsea's injury crises, Arsenal have completely turned over the tables and currently sit at the 4th position.

In the team's last match against West Ham, the team looked like an well-oiled machine, something they do when they obey Arteta's orders to the fullest. They are also due to score a lot more goals once their finishing improves.

All this being said, I fear Arsenal won't be able to do just as well once Chelsea and Manchester United return to form. Injuries are another thing. But, whatever happens, Arsenal fans should always back Arteta. He's a gem.

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