Robert Lange Profile picture
Research Scientist @SakanaAILabs, PhD Student @TUBerlin Meta-evolution 🧬 gymnax 🏋️ evosax 🦎 MLE-Infra 🤹 Ex: Student Researcher @Google DM. Legacy DM Intern.

Dec 16, 2021, 5 tweets

Can memory-based meta-learning not only learn adaptive strategies 💭 but also hard-code innate behavior🦎? In our #AAAI2022 paper @sprekeler & I investigate how lifetime, task complexity & uncertainty shape meta-learned amortized Bayesian inference.


We analytically derive the optimal amount of exploration for a bandit 🎰 which explicitly controls task complexity & uncertainty. Not learning is optimal in 2 cases:

1⃣ Optimal behavior across tasks is apriori predictable.
2⃣ There is on avg not enough time to integrate info⌛️

🧑‍🔬 Next, we compared the analytical solution to the amortized Bayesian inference meta-learned by LSTM-based RL^2 agents 🤖

We find that that memory-based meta-learning is indeed capable of learning to learn and not to learn (💭/🦎) depending on the meta-train distribution.

Where do inaccuracies at the edge between learning and not learning come from?🔺Close to the edge there exist multiple local optima corresponding to vastly different behaviors.

👉Highlighting the challenge of optimising meta-policies close to discontinuous behavioral transitions

Finally, we show that meta-learners overfit their respective training lifetime ⏲️ Agents may not generalise to longer time horizons if trained on short ones and vice versa.❓This raises Qs towards adaptive multi-timescale meta-policies & time-universal MetaRL 🔎

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