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Dec 16, 2021, 10 tweets

1/10 Today's Omicron briefing . A 5-pt plan to blunt Omicron (slide 16): (1) Cut contacts by 50%; (2) acc boosters to HCW & vulnerable; (3) masking, distancing & ventilation (4) put treatments where they are most needed; (5) act now. #COVID19ON…

2/10 Slide 4 & 5: Cases are rising across Ontario & Omicron will be dominant this week. #COVID19ON…

3/10 Slide 6 & 7: South Africa itself – sometimes cited as evidence of O’s slower severity -- is now seeing hospitalizations rise with Omicron. But the rise in death there is less steep than in previous waves. #COVID19ON…

4/10 Slide 8: Early data from Denmark are also showing rising hospital rates with Omicron. As with earlier strains. #COVID19ON…

5/10 Slide 9: UK data show why we need boosters. Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic disease drops to 35% with two doses of Pfizer, but is around 75% with three doses. #COVID19ON…

6/10 Slide 10: One slide that lists all the key ways that we model Omicron differently than earlier strains. Worth reading to understand what we're facing. #COVID19ON…

7/10 Slide 11: We model a “circuit breaker”: cutting contacts by 50% through public health measures, while rolling out boosters quickly. That could blunt the force of the Omicron wave. #COVID19ON…

8/10 Slides 12-14: Hospitalizations are already rising on Ontario and are likely to rise substantially even if Omicron is 25% less severe than Delta. . #COVID19ON…

9/10 Slide 15: Vulnerable Ontarians need third doses quickly. #COVID19ON…

10/10 A 5-pt plan to blunt Omicron (slide 16): (1) Cut contacts by 50%; (2) acc boosters to HCW & vulnerable; (3) masking, distancing & ventilation (4) put treatments where they are most needed; (5) act now. #COVID19ON…

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