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Dedicated research monitoring and exposing right-wing extremism and other threats to democracy.

Dec 17, 2021, 8 tweets

Donald Trump is enforcing mask and vaccine mandates at Trump Tower in NYC.

Watch as an antivaxxer enters Trump Tower to test the vaccine mandate policy at Trump Grill.

Part 2: The protester spots a Trump Tower sign asking for vaccine proof at Trump’s Presidential themed “45” bar before proceeding to Trump Grill.

Part 3: “You need one of these.”

An employee at Trump Tower demands the protester put on a mask or face a $1,000 fine. The protester is told to “just put your mask on.”

Part 4: “No. You can’t. You need to be vaccinated.”

Trump Grill, located inside Trump Tower, denied service to an antivaxxer for not having a vaccination card.

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Part 5: While heading for the exit, the protester removes her mask and is asked by a Trump Tower employee, “You got a mask with you?”

Part 6: Trump, “you have the money and the power to fight this and you’re choosing not to.”

Agree with this person or not, this protester deserves much respect for verifying this first hand and exposing Trump’s hypocrisy after telling followers “you have your freedoms.”

Part 7: A slew of questions that expose Trump’s hypocrisy attempting to play both sides of the vaccine mandate.

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