Jason Gerke 🍎 Profile picture
Public School teacher, Unionist. NSW Teachers Federation @TeachersFed Communications & Online Coordinator. Views are my own. #MoreThanThanks

Dec 17, 2021, 7 tweets

THREAD:NSW is spending $600mil less per year on public schools than intended under the original Gonski... Public schools are also denied access to a $1.9Bill Federal private school capital fund leading to this... Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College “one of the Best Bathrooms of '18”

Newington College. 8 tennis, 6 basketball & 3 volleyball courts. 17 cricket wickets, 3 rugby fields, a boat shed, fencing & table tennis facility, gym & Olympic pool. Newington Public: NO access to Fed Capital Grants. Demountables. #EverySchoolEveryChild

Concord High School teachers walked off the job earlier this year because they can’t cover classes. Last year, 2km down the road, Rosebank College got $2mill from Morrison for new classrooms. #EverySchoolEveryChild

Scots College got a hypoxic chamber that can simulate training at up to 3000 metres above sea level

Scots also penned a $29 million elaborate plan to do up their library in “Scottish Baronial architectural style". They're doing it tough too. $106mil revenue in 2020, $76mil in fees & almost $10mil in C'wealth & state funding.... #EverySchoolEveryChild

And don't forget that time a few years ago when Kings School in Parramatta suspended Dick Smith’s helicopter from the ceiling of its new Innovation building? Does the same thing happen in your local public school? #EverySchoolEveryChild

Take a look at what NSW’s new Deputy Premier thinks is ok…#EverySchoolEveryChild #MoreThanThanks

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