UnderThatStone Profile picture
This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Dec 18, 2021, 5 tweets


◼️ pizza box = 8⃣.

⚫️ oversized pizza = 9⃣.


Big pizza(9⃣), small box(8⃣).

8⃣ and 9⃣ are fun.

Big keys.

Take note of the structure.
- double square.

🔷 🔵
🔷 🔵

8⃣ and 9⃣.

(24) and (27).

8⃣ x (3) = (24).
9⃣ x (3) = (27).

The (◼️24unit) item next to a (⚫️27unit) item.
- same ratio.

The (◼️8⃣unit) and (⚫️9⃣unit) ratio.


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