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My name is Jon, and I write a blog called Not Perfected Yet, which objectively looks at all things related to #JamesBond

Dec 18, 2021, 53 tweets

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Diamonds Are Forever, here are fifty things that I love about the film. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

1. Being able to quote this moment to any #JamesBond fan and them instantly getting it. #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

2. Wearing a fez and dark glasses when you're a villain in a spy film. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

3. Labelled problematic and never to be shown on @ITV again, Bond fooling the audience with a bait and switch is great. We realise how serious he is by forgoing seduction, going straight to torture. Using a bikini as a weapon is highly improvisational, too! #JamesBond #DAFat50

4. Explaining why Blofeld looks different... kinda. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

5. Campily surrendering. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

6. The old "Mousetrap in the gun holster" ploy. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

7. One of the most underrated of #JamesBond's kills! #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

8. The BEST Shirley Bassey #JamesBond song! #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

9. Proving your boss wrong about not listening when you blatantly weren't. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

10. A definition of diamonds worthy of a dictionary. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

11. Wint & Kidd's theme music by John Barry. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

12. Remembering being young and unaware of gender politics or sexuality, and just appreciating how happy Wint & Kidd are in each others' company. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

13. #JamesBond being utterly owned by M. #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

14. Nostalgia for a time when a hovercraft was a legitimate mode of transportation for the public from the British Isles. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

15. On the nose sexual banter. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

16. This line of dialogue, which I've gone on to use more times than you'd think realistically possible. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

19. This entire fight sequence! #JamesBond #DAFat502 #DiamondsAreForever

20. Amazing moment of Mankiewicz's dialogue! #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

21. The look that Mr. Wint gives Mr. Kidd. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

22. Film legend, Sid Haig! #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

23. Inspiring idea for my final resting place. ⚱️ #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

24. This #NoTimeToDie graveyard fashion coincidence. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

25. Plenty O'Toole is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and I would totally fall for her obvious, clingy gold digging. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever @lanatwo

26. Inspiring the 1971 expansion of the Las Vegas Convention Centre. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

28. Half-arsing something you were told to do. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

29. Bond's reaction to discovering Plenty's corpse is to have a sit down and read a magazine. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

30. Bond pretending to be Klaus Hergersheimer and irritating Metz. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

31. Excellently directed moment by Guy Hamilton, nailing the comedic timing. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

32. The fake astronauts continuing to sell that they are in zero gravity whilst trying to catch Bond. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

33. The way Sean Connery dismounts the tricycle. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

34. Life-changing advice. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

35. Downtown Las Vegas like it used to be. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

36. This policeman who is a dead ringer for Mr Blue in Reservoir Dogs. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

37. Even if a second stunt unit messed up the end, this is still a great car gag. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

38. Perspex fish tank bed looks equal parts tacky and uncomfortable but is kitsch heaven. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

38. Casually scaling a skyscraper dressed in a tuxedo is so cool! #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

39. Willard Whyte's toilet office is ahead of it's time for working from home. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

40. The real Blofeld's cat giving the double's cat shit is a spot on character defining moment. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

41. Every second involving Bambi and Thumper. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

42. Choosing to walk out the front door of your hotel dressed as a woman, despite having a secret tunnel under the building leading to the desert. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

43. Shane Rimmer in a #JamesBond film cliché. #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

44. Sabotaging your own evil scheme by being stupidly arrogant and putting your secret base on a giant map in your office. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

45. Blofeld having this sign up on the wall of his lair! #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

46. Charles Gray's best moment is threatening to shoot Metz for abandoning his post and then immediately sneaking off to escape as discretly as possible. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

47. The most loyal SPECTRE employee who remains calmly counting down whilst all he'll breaks loose on the oil rig. #JamesBond #DAFat50

48. Bond's epic swan dive off the platform. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

49. The fact that Putter Smith did part of the fire stunt himself. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

50. The look of absolute heartbreak on Mr Wint's face when Mr Kidd dies. #JamesBond #DAFat50 #DiamondsAreForever

And those are 50 things that I love about #DiamondsAreForever; one for each year since release in 1971. Let me know some of yours that didn't make my list. #DAFat50 #JamesBond

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