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Dec 18, 2021, 11 tweets

🇮🇱📢 VIOLENCE TRIGGER: Israeli Police loses it, violently attacking protesters, inc. mothers & kids tonight outside the Prime Minister’s house!

1/ taking down a protester, 3 police officers hitting & hurting him in front of thousands.

2/ 📢🇮🇱 Police attacking a protester on top of a police car. Thousands of people around them. This horror show lasted a few minutes.

*Next: whipping* >>>

3/ 📢🇮🇱 Police officer WHIPPING citizens, including women and children tonight outside the PM’s house.
The Police was panicking, out of control and super violent.


4/ 📢🇮🇱 The Police fired water from a water canon on thousands of citizens, protesting for human rights & against green pass and tyranny. Men, women & children were attacked tonight.


5/ 📢🇮🇱 This is the peaceful audience and protest the Police attacked tonight in Israel. Outside the PM’s house, protesting for human rights & against green pass and tyranny.
Thousands in the crowd.

6/ 📢🇮🇱 more from the Police’ water canon. Attacking protesters tonight.

7/ 📢🇮🇱 Tonight in Israel. Outside the PM’s house, protesting for human rights & against green pass and tyranny.
Thousands in the crowd.
Super violent police!!!
2 people were arrested and many injured/hurt.
Credit: Ben Cohen

8/ 📢🇮🇱Police forces in a lame attempt to stop citizens from moving around and protesting.
They tried to control this protest but failed miserably, while using severe violence.
2 people were arrested and many injured/hurt.

9/ 📢🇮🇱 the attack on the roof from another angle. The protester was arrested.
Tonight, outside the PM’s house, protesting for human rights & against green pass and tyranny.
Thousands in the crowd.

10/ 📢🇮🇱 medical teams were tonight’s heroes.

11/ 📢🇮🇱 We had a rough but important night. We were determined to protest and were not stopped by the violent Police. The protest grew to thousands of people with high energies.
Please share this!!
Credit: Liri Burak

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