UnderThatStone Profile picture
This is a fight between good and evil. Guide us through the darkness to a safe and sane future (JFK).

Dec 18, 2021, 16 tweets

- they just locked me out of the messenger again.

...and yes, the map/chart is badass.

Great diggs in one photo.
- priceless if time is taken to cross-reference.

Not all is true.
- not all are lies.

By adding a semi-clear layer, we see a template on the last photo (#4).

It may be shifted higher or lower than needed.
- testing or sizing up the overall length.

Center of (3) rings.
(7) count.





...another layer.

Look for center of the Moon.🌖


...same, but closer.










...to see or to [i][l][l][u][m][i][n][a][t][e].

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