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Dec 19, 2021, 6 tweets

The holidays have come around and the year is coming to a close but across the globe, women continue to fight for their rights. This week, Document Women has gathered stories of activism, bravery and success.…

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1. In Kenya

Sex workers in Kenya have reignited calls to decriminalize their work after new details emerge from the 2012 murder of sex worker Agnes Wanjiru…

2. In Qatar

Noof al-Maadeed has been missing since mid-October after returning to Qatar from the UK and human rights activists are demanding Qatari authorities show proof that she is alive, amid growing fears that she has been killed or detained.

3. In Afghanistan

After the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, Radio Begum continues to thrive. The radio station was created by and for women in Afghanistan who had been silenced.…

4. In China

A coalition of young activists, led mostly by women, have banded together in the #NoBeijing2022 campaign

The campaign is to raise awareness on repression carried out by the Chinese government’s treatment of the Uyghurs.

5. In Nigeria

Led by Ifedayo Durosinmi-Etti, Herconomy @HerconomybyAGS, a women-focused fintech firm recently raised a pre-seed round of $600,000.

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