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Former CIA Ops Officer. Fan of John 8:32. Host of The Wright Report daily news podcast. (

Dec 19, 2021, 13 tweets

COVID hysteria is spreading.


Yet the facts haven’t changed: China’s virus is especially nasty for those 65+, obese, or immunocompromised.

For all others, largely sniffles.

Let’s refresh our memories, as it appears the “president” has another agenda…

Hospitalizations remain quite rare — about 1% - 5% of sufferers.

Those that are hospitalized or eventually perish are almost exclusively 65+ and/or in this sad category (with death rates 3x their slim compatriots):

There are simple, critical things you can do to help your immune system regardless of vaxx status.

Good sleep. Vitamin D & Zinc. Sunshine. Anti-inflammatory diet. Exercise.

But above all: lose weight.…

There will be exceptions to the rule of who lives or dies.

People like me — healthy, fit, middle aged — will end up hospitalized.

But even then, the odds are in your favor for a full recovery.

Bonus: After you recover, the resulting natural immunity — your memory immune system — will likely serve you well for future infections.

That’s been true for past variants and looks to be true — as expected — with Omicron.

If you’re vaccinated, know the benefits, limits, and unknowns.

For example, COVID vaccines do not stop spread.

They seem to lower the already low risk of hospitalization & death. For a time.

Same goes for boosters.

If you experience vaccine side effects, make sure you report them and talk to your doctor.

We still have much to learn about these novel vaccines.

If you have healthy kids, rest easy.

The odds of hospitalization or death are so slim that many studies can’t even calculate the tiny risk.

Rule of thumb: If you / your family feel sick, stay home (& test if you’re high risk).

Talk to your doc about a treatment plan if you’re ever infected, esp if high risk.

Ex: Monitor your O2 levels with a pulse oximeter, and when to go to a hospital.…

You should also plan for lots of Fake News.

“Unvaccinated people are responsible for creating the variants!”

Absolutely false. Totally fake.

Also Fake News:

“If you get vaccinated, you can’t spread the virus.”

Total conspiracy theory from the Covidian Death Cult / Democrats.

Special Fake News:

“Hunter’s art sales are legit!”

Nothing to do with COVID. Just wanted to make the point and show off my art major. Obviously.

Bottom line:

Keep calm. Know your risk. Be prepared. Ignore Fauci. FJB.

Carry on.

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