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Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Dec 19, 2021, 5 tweets


You might have seen Evgeny Umnov's photos, whether you knew it or not.

Umnov was acclaimed for his celebrity portraiture for most of the Soviet magazines, but is best known for images capturing classic ballet artists behind the scenes.

Umnov worked in an era when the Soviet socialist realism style dominated all forms of art, including photography.

Umnov's photographs of the Bolshoi Theater ballet dancers received accolades from none other than Sol Hurok, one of the world’s foremost impresarios, who introduced and brought Soviet ballet stars to American audiences.

Soviet Union's cultural and intellectual elite welcomed Umnov with open arms.

Up-and-coming Soviet artists weren’t too superstitious, but there used to be an interesting rumour if Umnov picked up his camera and took your picture, your career was finally bound to take off.

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