Fuad Alakbarov ⁠⁠ Profile picture
Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Dec 20, 2021, 5 tweets


Moe Zoyari began his work as a photographer at the age of 14. After focusing his work around human rights issues and political turmoil in Iran, he expanded his reach, covering events in Middle East, Europe and the US.

Zoyari was invited to The White House by President Obama, and The First Lady in 2015.

He has been a student of the legendary photojournalist and Pulitzer Prize winner John H. White.

Photo: Afghanistan, 2016 © Moe Zoyari

The boy from Kabul, Afghanistan, 2016 © Moe Zoyari

Kabul, Afghanistan, 2016 © Moe Zoyari

Kabul, Afghanistan, 2016 © Moe Zoyari

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