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Dec 21, 2021, 9 tweets

[#SugaHQ_Articles] BTS on Vogue: ‘Minstradamus’ SUGA, whimsical and refreshing

🐱“I prefer the underdogs to the big teams”

🔗 vogue.co.kr/category/bts-s…

#SUGA #슈가

🐱“I try not to think about identity. If you obsess about it, you end up worrying too much. I think it’s perfectly fine to go with the flow, rather than constantly striving and struggling all the time”

#SUGA #슈가

#SUGA mentions that the song ‘People’ was completed around October 2016

🐱 “People is my favorite song as well. Because it’s a record of four years of my life. I set aside most songs after they’re done, but I find myself re-listening to People all the time and I experience different emotions each time I hear it”

#SUGA #슈가

SUGA on songwriting routines:

🐱 “Over the Horizon is one song that flowed straight out. I finished the guitar and string parts in 20 minutes”

#SUGA #슈가

SUGA on inspiration

🐱 “Inspiration strikes at random times— even in apparently absurd circumstances”

#SUGA #슈가

🐱 “I’m happier now. I’ve realized that happiness doesn’t require much, and it can be quite simple.”

#SUGA #슈가

🐱 “I’ll always be a member of BTS”

#SUGA #슈가

Interview written by: kim Youngdae

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