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Dec 21, 2021, 9 tweets

Indian opposition today: Opposing everything they once stood for!

Latest case in point is the ‘Election Reform Amendment Bill' that links voter ID to Aadhaar

FYI, Congress in 2018 & the NCP in 2019 had demanded the exact same thing!

#OppositionJeevi #ElectoralBill2021

Who is an #OppositionJeevi?

One who will not shy from derailing reforms in national interest only to keep his/her politics alive!

Notwithstanding that not long ago, they sought these reforms too!

Here is a list of 10 such U-Turns made by the Modi-opposition gang!

No. 1: Farm Laws

The opposition attacked Modi govt over the Farm Laws, exposing their hypocrisy & double standards!

Congress had even pledged the same exact reforms in its manifesto! Why the protest then?

Anti-Modi politics yay, reforms nay?


No. 2: New Parliament Building

Congress has been attacking the New Parliament project. But they were once pushing for it!

They're attacking a project that's going to create thousands of jobs & support India's democratic expansion - all because Modi is doing it!

No. 3: Citizenship Amendment Law

Providing refuge, NRC, NPR were all brainchilds of Congress!

But when Modi govt brought the humanitarian CAA Law, Congress campaigned viciously to mislead people in India that CAA would strip them of citizenship.


No. 4: GST

UPA tried to introduce GST when in power. A decade later, they failed. In fact, Congress was unable to get its allies on board with GST.

We're all aware of Congress's U-turn on GST today. So why oppose? Because Modi did something you couldn't do?


No. 5: Rafale

It was under UPA that Dassault Aviation's Rafale won the bid to supply IAF with fighter aircrafts. Congress kept delaying procurement for 10 years.

So why oppose now? Because Modi did it? Or is it because Congress did not get their commission?


No. 6: Public-Private Partnership

The Congress party, of late, has been protesting against PPP in Indian Railways.

During the UPA period, Congress itself was predisposed to such partnerships, with then-PM Manmohan Singh pushing for it!


No. 7: Insurance Reforms

Congress made a ruckus over Modi govt raising FDI limit.

During UPA era, then-PM Manmohan Singh had done the same!

Congress now claims it'll create 'trouble' for people & that its a grand clearance sale of India's national assets!


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